Sep 5, 2018 | Tips About Money
Calculate your income. Make a list of your monthly income sources, including your salary (after taxes), any bonuses you incur on a regular basis, and child support or alimony payments. Make a list of all of your monthly financial obligations (fixed, variable and...
Jun 5, 2018 | Tips About Money
Content provided by: American Bankers Association Before you can make the transition from renting your home to owning your home, you will need to have a substantial down payment, typically 5 to 20 percent of the home’s value. The American Bankers Association suggests...
Jul 11, 2017 | Tips About Money
Miliary famlies face unique financial challenges, particularly when a service member is deployed. The American Bankers Association has highlighted six financial tips to help military families reduce the stress of managing money. “Finances are often identified by...
Apr 24, 2017 | Tips About Money
How soon is too soon to talk to your kids or grandkids about money? If they are old enough to ask for a toy or a bike, they are old enough to start learning financial lessons that will last a lifetime. The best financial lessons are part of everyday experience. Look...
Apr 24, 2017 | Tips About Money
As college seniors across the nation graduate and start their careers, their financial lifestyle should be top of mind. Six tips new college graduates should use to strengthen their finances as they transition from the dorm to the office. “Now is the time for college...
Mar 27, 2017 | Tips About Money
– Forbes If you’ve filed your taxes — and waiting or received your tax refund — the great challenge begins: Whether to save or spend that modest windfall. Like most people, your eyes probably light up with the possibly of getting that...